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[Raya 2024] Ketupat

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Gathering around the table to indulge in the harmony of tradition is a cherished moment for our family. As we celebrate this Raya season, the air is filled with the aroma of freshly baked 'kuih raya', enticing all family members to come together and enjoy these special treats.

This year, we've added a delightful twist to our festivities by creating a stunning yule log cake for our friends and family to gather around. Adorned with intricate Raya designs and featuring a prominent ketupat motif, the cake symbolizes the joyous opening of the Raya season.

As we gather around this beautifully crafted dessert, it serves not only as a delightful treat for our taste buds but also as a centerpiece for our shared moments of laughter, joy, and love. With each slice of the yule log cake, we celebrate the bonds that unite us as a family and the traditions that make this season truly special.


  • Pandan Mousse 
  • Pandan Cremeux
  • Cherry Compote
  • Pandan Bahulu
  • Valrhona Gianduja Croustillant

May this Eid bring moments you can cherish forever , Selamat Hari Raya Haji!